
Hey, my name's [ Jay ] and this website is my ongoing attempt at cultivating a digital garden.

Here I publish notes I've taken for academic courses, sketch my own thoughts on various topics, and collect links to interesting articles and other webpages.

Quick access

[⠀Physics and maths resource megathread⠀]
[⠀Reading list⠀]
[⠀Python cheatsheet⠀]

Notes on selected topics


[⠀The final parsec problem⠀]

[⠀Alternative keyboards⠀]

[⠀Effect of cloud cover on habitable zones around M-dwarfs⠀]

[⠀Subsurface-habitability zones⠀]

[ Magnetospheric accretion ]


[⠀Identifying QPOs in lightcurves⠀] [⠀Monte Carlo simulation playbook⠀]

Academic resources

[⠀Mathematical and data sheets⠀] [⠀University of Texas physics class notes⠀] [⠀New Arxiv Astrophysics Submissions⠀]